On January 31 and February 1, 2024 the ADELE consortium gathered in sunny Sofia, Bulgaria for the fourth and final transnational partner meeting (TPM), hosted by Global Libraries – Bulgaria Foundation.

Overview of the project results and impact
During the TPM, the consortium gathered to review the project’s milestones and achievements, to review the final steps for the project’s final report, and to plan future activities. Overall, the ADELE project trained 91 library staff from 15 different countries over the course of 4 LTTAs (Learning, Teaching, Training Activities) in Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, and Ireland! The project also collected 100 case studies of digital innovation in public libraries, and tested the tool across 100 European libraries. The tool is now available in the 5 national languages of the partners: Bulgarian, German, English, Irish, and Italian.

As the ADELE project will come to an end on February 27, the partners set out a plan for the final reporting. To ensure that the ADELE tool continues to create a maximum amount of impact in the library and adult education sector beyond the lifecycle of the project, the partners discussed ideas for future dissemination activities and opportunities to promote the ADELE tool on local, national, and international level.
Celebrating the launch of the ADELE tool!

On February 1, the ADELE project partners organised an International Webinar to celebrate the launch of the ADELE tool together with our network of librarians who contributed to its development! During the webinar, Anne-Marie O’Dwyer (LGMA) presented an overview of the ADELE project, Elisabetta Mei (EGInA) delivered a step-by-step tutorial on how to access and use the tool, and Luca Moltmann (PL2030) presented the ADELE Communications kit and resources. The communications kit includes an infographic, a 4-page leaflet, the project branding guidelines, and a booklet showcasing 20 best practices from the collection of 100 case studies of digital innovation in public libraries. The toolkit will be available in all the project languages (Bulgarian, English, Irish, Italian, and German). The webinar wrapped up with an interactive Q&A session with the webinar participants. It was great to see so many familiar faces from the different LTTAs and reconnect with our network of ADELE librarians!
A link to the webinar recording will be made available soon.
More events to come
In the final month of the project, several project partners will organise multiplier events to promote the ADELE tool among their networks at national and international level. Stay tuned via the ADELE social media channels for upcoming events!